Pencil Photo Effect In Adobe

Pencil Photo Effect creating many ways to create it in adobe or other softwares but i am teach you how to create it in adobe photoshop cs3 step by step with screen shoots.

Lets see final result after is tut complete.......

1. Open any image you want to convert pencil sketch. Duplicate it once ( Ctrl + J ) to make another copy of our picture for backup or any purposes then convert it to black and white by clicking Image >> Adjustments >> Desaturate your image looking that in my picture.

2. In the top layer make sure it is still selected apply it to Filter >> Stylize >> Find Edges to make its edges more highlighted looked that in picture below.

3. Next we make edges more light so in this case bring the levels dialog box ( Ctrl + L ) Apply to it these settings like i show you below.

4. Now one more step to apply is make a new layer by hitting new layer icon on the layer palette. Then fill it with black apply also Filter >> Noise >> Add Noise in the dialog box setting up Gaussian, Monochromatic Amount is (103.6 %).

5. For giving the dots the some angle go to the Filter >> Blur >> Motion Blur Apply Angle (45%), Distance (43 Pixels) hit ok to confirm it.

6. Set new layer Blending mode to Overlay it will hid all black color of it only visible white angle lines.

7. Selecting middle layer lower down the opacity to (50%) now our pencil effect is complete.

Here is our final Image after applying all the setting above in this tut.